Friday, June 24, 2016

June Daybook #2

For Today

Looking out my window....the sun is coming up. It's going to be in the 80's today!

I am thinking....that summer is here! The kid's activities have ended for a couple months, we will go camping a couple times, and swimming at least a couple times a week.  

I am thankful....for the support I have from family, and new and old friends.

One of my favorite things....sitting at the lake watching my kids swim, while I chat with friends. 

I am wearing....Yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I just got up and this is what I threw on.

I am creating....our end of the year homeschooling portfolios. I'm working on the scrapbooking type pages, with pictures from the kid's activities and field trips. 

I am reading.... "Think & Eat Yourself Smart" by Caroline Leaf and "A Love That Multiplies" by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

I am watching....Return to Amish  TV series 

I am listening to....sermons from my pastor.

I am get into Contra dancing. I've done it a couple times and it's so fun!

I am learning....about Homeopathic medicine

In my kitchen....I am eating organic foods as much as I can. 

In the school room....Sophie is enjoying learning about world geography. She is reading a book from the library called "Where on Earth: A Geografunny Guide to the Globe" by Paul Rosenthal. I'm also having her trace the continents and label the countries.  Five days of school left for her!

A moment from my day

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